Envisioning a balanced path to a cleaner energy future, UNSE is focused on accelerating the acquisition of cost-effective, reliable, and more sustainable energy solutions to power the more than 270,000 customers in its service territory.

About UNS Electric, Inc.

UNS Electric, Inc. (UNSE)

UNSE provides electric service to more than 100,000 customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz counties. UNSE’s service territory in Mohave County is in the northwest corner of the state. It includes both Kingman, located in the high desert central portion of the county, and Lake Havasu City, situated in the low desert along the Colorado River. The Santa Cruz County service territory serves customers in the southern portion of the state, approximately 60 miles south of Tucson adjacent to the U.S. border with Mexico. UNSE’s 2023 IRP provides a plan to transition its resource portfolio from high dependence on short-term market purchases to greater self-reliance on a mix of owned generating assets and long-term purchased power agreements (PPAs) sourced from a mix of natural gas, energy storage, and renewables.

About the All-Source Request for Proposal (ASRFP)

With support from Sargent & Lundy, UNSE referred to as the “Company”— has issued this All-Source Request for Proposals (ASRFP) to solicit bids for dispatchable capacity and energy resources with in-service dates preferred by May 1, 2028.

The Company is seeking competitive proposals totaling up to 200 MW of firm summer and winter capacity. All supply-side resources, such as natural gas or energy storage, must be able to provide capacity and energy coincident with the Company’s Needs Assessment and at the resource’s summer-rated capacity each day of the summer.

Demand-side resources such as demand response and load management may provide load reductions for less than four continuous hours, but must provide benefits during times of need, as shown in the Company’s Needs Assessment. Capacity resources are preferred to be in service by May 1, 2028, but the Company will accept proposals for capacity resources with in-service dates as late as May 1, 2029.

Additional information of the requirements of this ASRFP can be found on the ASRFP Documents Section.

Sargent & Lundy

Sargent & Lundy

Sargent & Lundy has been retained by the Company to serve as the Independent Monitor and manage this ASRFP process. Sargent & Lundy is an engineering consulting firm providing comprehensive engineering, energy business consulting, and project services for power generation and delivery systems. Sargent & Lundy will act as an independent third-party consultant on behalf of the Company to execute the ASRFP and evaluate proposals. Learn more about Sargent & Lundy at sargentlundy.com.

Additional Resources

Project schedule

RFP milestone dates and deadlines.

RFP documents

Learn how to submit an RFP proposal.


Read RFP questions and answers.